PLS Training III
Welcome from Albie Derbyshire & Elizabeta Kuzevska
Creators of The Online Marketing Academy!

Step 15:
Path to 6-Figures.
This is the path to Six Figures, so pay close attention
Watch this video and take careful notes.
Step 16:
Setting up PLS With AWeber
Now we need to work on connecting your PLS account
to AWeber, so that you will have an even better deliverability
rate. Effective communication is just as important as the
delivery of that communication.
We have found AWeber to be the best autoresponder with
the BEST delivery rate of any (and we've used and tested a lot!).
PLS is a good autoresponder when set up correctly,
but still not as good as AWeber and we want to
give you the best chance of succeeding!
AWeber will give you 500 free subscribers, so you
don't have to worry about paying AWeber right now.
In fact, our strategy is to get RID of subscribers who
do not open your emails or who unsubscribe. But
KEEP them all in PLS. You never know. They may
open your emails later and you always want
to give them a chance.
Set up your free AWeber account HERE .
Step 17:
Franks Full Funnel
Watch this last video on how to set up Franks
Additional Cash Now Funnel pages
PLUS a whole lot more!
Step 18:
The 5 Critical Skills
Ok, so now let's see how you've been implementing
the 5 Critical Skills:

1. You've been advertising your link (Critical Skill #1)
2. You've been creating your own capture pages
and trying to make them compelling (Critical Skill #2)
3. You've been growing your asset (your list). Your
Asset where you will earn most of your money is from
growing your list bigger and bigger (Critical Skill #3).
4. You've been learning how to communicate effectively
to your subscribers personally and through your
autoresponder emails (Critical Skill #4).
5. All this time you're learning how funnels work.
Think of a funnel like a ladder.
Each thing you've been doing is another "rung" on
the ladder of your funnel. As you get better
and better at skills 1-5, you will earn more
and more!
Keeping your "eye on the ball" is how you succeed.
Focus on the 5 Critical skills every day/week.
Step 19:
Are you getting on the PLS FAST START each Monday & Thursday?
If not, try your best. The reason is that each night you get
on, will encourage you to try and get someone on the next time
and join you! Remember that introducing people to this call will do two things:
One, it will let them know that PLS is real and that two, people are
succeeding here. It will also encourage them that they can make
high ticket sales and accomplish their dreams too!
This will enable you to earn high ticket commissions
ten times faster!
Step 20.
Writing Emails in PLS

Continue Advertising. Learn email communication skills
Now that you've got your PLS autoresponder and AWeber going,
now you need to continue promoting each day but also begin to
work on communicating with your subscribers.
If you compare growing a crop in a field, then your subscribers
are like the "seeds" you plant. You must not only "plant a lot
of seeds" (get new subscribers every day and build a big list
of subscribers over time) but you must also "water" those seeds
(build relationships with your subscribers) in order to get sales
every day and to grow your business bigger and bigger!
If you don't "water your plants" (build relationships), then your
"plants" (your subscribers) will "die" (move on to follow someone else).
Understand that "planting seeds" (getting subscribers) and
"watering them" (building relationships), will not make the
"plants" (your subscribers) grow over-night! It takes months
for the "plants to grow" (for you to see the results of
building relationships with your subscribers
through your daily email coorespondence).
Your emails need to be:
1. Created by you (10 mins or more each day).
2. Personal (meaning you write the emails and
share something personal about yourself). You
emails do NOT need to reveal your deepest secrets (lol!).
3. Sent off daily through your PLS or AWeber autoresponder.
We will share more about this with you!
Here is a training
to help you learn how to communicate better through your
PLS autoresponder HERE .
This is important to learn, so please don't skip it.
Step 21
Critical Skill #5:
Let's talk about Critical Skill #5: Understanding
funnels. Your funnel is like a ladder.
The first rung on the ladder is someone seeing your
capture page and opting in. The second rung is
someone going to your sales page. The third rung
is someone getting your email. The fourth rung
is them replying back to you or joining you
at a free or $1 trial membership.
The fifth rung is them knowing that you're working with
them and helping them (and allowing the membership
fee to process for $10 - $50). The sixth rung is understanding
and upgrading to high-ticket assets. You understand this is how you, in
turn, will earn high ticket commissions (similar to Monopoly).
There are more rungs on the ladder, but you get the picture! :)
Step 22:
Writing AWeber Emails #1.
Continue advertising. Learn communication skills using
AWeber here.
Step 23
5 Critical Skills
"My Story"
Read Albie's story about how he discovered the 5 Critical Skills.
Walk through each stage of the "eye-opening process" so that you too will
understand why each of these important skills is
so important for you too!
We look forward to working with you!